Thank you for being there! - a bouquet of roses and Chrysanthemums
Charming bouquet with incredibly bright, glowing lilies. These flowers symbolize the sun, smile and express their sympathy from the donor. In perfect harmony with chrysanthemums and green leaves create a harmonious contrast of red and green. Chrysanthemums symbolize openness, alluding to the feelings of friendship and maybe something more. This bouquet is suitable as a gift to a friend or a girlfriend, he also expressed the incipient feelings.
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Payment and delivery
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
COMMENTS ABOUT Bouquet «Thank you for being there! - a bouquet of roses and Chrysanthemums»
Борис Вольтов / г. Калуга / 14.09.2020bouquet rating:Очень разнообразный ассортимент букетов, всегда можно выбрать интересный букет для любого, самого взыскательно получателя ). Доставка быстрая, очень слаженная, удобно, что все все уведомления приходят на почту, без кучи лишних звонков и беспокойств.
Мария Белоусова / г. Каспийск / 14.09.2020bouquet rating:Ребята! Какие же вы молодцы! И фото цветов прислали,и доставили все в лучшем виде и вовремя! Спасибо вам огромное!!!! Удачи вам!
Sasha / г. Киров / 17.08.2017bouquet rating:Ordered to take this bouquet mum birthday, LUX version similar to some fairy tale! As if today still has the magic, and the wave of a magic plastic cards, bouquet of Kirov appeared in Omsk! )) My mother says it's the most beautiful bouquet which she gave))
Svetlana Kochergina / г. Пятигорск / 17.06.2017bouquet rating:The order is executed as promised, very pleased with the level of service. I will recommend to all my friends
Anastasia / г. Москва / 05.12.2016bouquet rating:Dear friends! Thank you heartily! My order in Abu Dhabi to my favorite is made perfect! You are true professionals! I will continue to communicate with you and to recommend you! Thank you
Yaroslav / г. Новокубанск / 24.11.2016bouquet rating:Thank you for the time delivered order. Everything was great. And thank you!
Natalia / г. Саров / 17.09.2016bouquet rating:Thank you for helping us give pleasure to the families and loved ones at a distance! Previously, this could only dream !!! Joy, surprise, even pleasant shok- it any money is not a pity!
Vlad / 20.08.2016bouquet rating:Several times ordered the flowers - my mother's birthday, and her grandmother. All happy, I advise.
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