Health - gift basket with fruit
Decrease: Apples - 0.5 kg, tangerines - 0.5 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 unit, the asset - 1 units, Coldrex MAX Influenza -.. 1up basket small, inlay.
Standard:Apples - 0.5 kg, tangerines - 0.5 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 units, active - 1 units, miracle yogurt - 1 pc., Coldrex MAX flu -. 1up, average basket, decor.
Suite:Apples - 1 kg, tangerines - 1 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 units, active - 1 units, miracle yogurt - 1 pc., TeraFlu - 1 pack, Coldrex MAX Flu -. 1up, large basket, decor.
This type of product is delivered only in Russia and CIS countries.
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
Юлия Тихонова / г. Северодвинск / 26.08.2020bouquet rating:Фруктовые корзины -очень актуальны на подарок, особенно мужчинам, ведь им не всегда уместно дарить цветы. Вот мы от коллектива преподнесли такую корзину нашему зам руководителю на больничном. Тут все что нужно! А в подарке главное эмоции, внимание и поддержка! А вашей компании спасибо за ваш ассортимент актуальных подарков!
Elena Goncharova / г. Котлас / 29.07.2018bouquet rating:Super! Professionally, respectfully, quickly! Doing business with you - a pleasure! Mom just happy! Thank you very much!
Marina Gorokhov / г. Электросталь / 28.07.2018bouquet rating:Many thanks!!! for the opportunity to surprise, please and of course to congratulate their loved ones. high-level services. I wish you further development and all the best! THANK YOU!
Olesia Sokolova / г. Лермонтов / 26.07.2018bouquet rating:All are happy! very quickly! Decent basket, value for money! Very long I chose to have everything in one komplekte.Svezhie fruit, beautiful design. After such a gift hochesh- not want to go on the amendment. Thank you so much!
Innocent / г. Новомосковск / 25.07.2018bouquet rating:Order your basket for the third time! Everything is great! Very happy and the girl too. Baskets you for every taste and occasion